HEY YOU GUYS! LOOK AT ME I AM " B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!" Pure Delight! " The quality of life is in proportion, always to the capacity for delight. The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention." It is a raining morning in Wallsburg, I just opened my window to breath the misty air. I have sweet purple flowers growing right up to my window sill. I am drinking in the wonder of a new spring day. I have been studying a book on creativity, "The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. I am thinking it would be fun to have a summer creative class together. What do you think? This picture of Lucy says it all. . . let's live life!

This picture is on its side to help us get creative by twisting our necks. I have this picture in my journal because she is so happy and free and lovely. I have seen this same, "so a live" expression on Kim, Nicole, Kelly, and Jamie. What beautiful Mom's! If we can make our hearts feel as happy as this picture looks then we are living a creative life.

These flowers whisper SPRING!

This wreath always makes me stop and study it. This is my idea. Let's have a 12 week summer class. Each week I will put an idea on the blogg for us to experiment with. Anyone, Moms or kids, girls or boys. Then you can share back on your blogs. Is there anyone interested?. . . . I think McKinnley would be game. Here is a simple outline to think about. If it looks fun jump aboard. It would be fun to connect our dreams this summer.
June 10th: Emilee's cook off!
June 17th: A secret collection
June 18th: GOT INK?
June 30th: Sunrise, Sunset
July 1st: 4th of July Splendor
July 8th: Happy Birthday anyone?
July 15th: Who can write a poem?
July 22nd: Kelly's Birthday !!! Flowers, or Frogs
July 29th: Baby, Baby, Baby on our mind!
August 5th: Favorite new summer song
August 12th: I think I can hear the beach calling!
August 19th: Self Portrait . . . Who is this person?
" Our creative dreams and yearnings come from a divine source.
As we move toward our dreams we move toward our divinity."