Sunday, August 16, 2009


Good Morning! I have my strength back, how about the rest of you? It has been raining and thundering the last two nights. Dad and I have been sitting curled up in blankets thinking about our family. What joy comes from loving those who the Lord has given us as our best frieinds. Although Jamie and hers were not here, they were never far away. I wonder how many times we mentioned the Heaps, maybe a hundred? It was as if they were here. I have so many tender memories. My favoritie scripture for today is Matthew 11:28-29. It talks about being yoked to the Savior. Life is easier when we are yoked, teathered, or connected to the Savior, or to our loved ones. Look at these sweet pictures of cousins with arms around each other, yoked.

When the Clark's stayed with us, Jenny was never far from Shawn, he was always on her mind.

Check out Tyler's arm and Jace's. I felt yoked to Kim and Nicole as I was watched Kelly's kids. One of the dearest moments was when we were at Thanksgiving Point getting ready to go home. We were all tired and sun cooked. I was trying to get the Thompsons in the car, Nicole got her family in the car and then she came over and helped me. She fixed everyone's seat belt and talked softly to explained just what was coming next. Bret you are so lucky to have this calm wonderful mother organizing your home! The highlight of the entire adventure for me was the last night in the parking lot of 5 Guys. We cried and hugged and cried some more. . . little Maizie sobbed, Tyler cried just to look at the Thompsons. Emilee, Jenny,McKinnely and Madison couldn't bear the thought of separation. Kelly and I had to not look at each other during the burgers and fries. I believe we are all yoked together for a reason. Our family is going to take care of each other forever. . what a party! When we are yoked together our burdens become light. Please ask me to tend your children. . . that is one of my greatest joys! That is how I can stay close to your families. (Dad loves it too he just doesn't express it, especially if he is tired). The night I heard about little Jace's fall I wanted to crawl in his bed with him and curl him close to me. I saw The Time Travler's Wife last night and I believe we have the gift somewhere inside of us to travel where we want, but we just have to learn how to use it. I think it is going to come and then boom. . . we can be toether when ever we want. Now that will be a real party! McKinnely, thank you for your scripture!! The rest of you keep thinking. I love you all and smile all day long just thinking about you. HAPPY TRAILS TO YOU!


Kim said...

It was the best to be together. I had a lump in my throat the whole night the Thompsons left and Max said "I miss Kade already before we even backed up out of the 5 guys parking lot. We have been blessed with the best family in the world. Thank you for always making the effort to keep us all close. I loved our family meeting! I loved the scriptures you made for all of the kids. My kids read theirs every morning and Lucy has got hers all marked up. We are going to try hard to read together, pray together, & smile together. You are a great example and I love you!!

Kelly said...

Thanks for the wild time we had together. We LOVED every moment! I was happy to read you are feeling better. Sorry we were so rough on you! I am going to jump on getting the kids and myself a scripture after my Priamry meeting this mornng. It was so fun to watch all the kids reading and marking them. They are decorated so cute too! Thanks for your love and example to me and my kids! WE MISS You all too! I am going to tell Rick the boss... on this trip I am heading to Chicago but handing in my 2 year notice of coming back to Utah! (I hope it flies!)

jamie heaps said...

OH SHITBALLS... WE MISSED OUT ON SOME SEROUSE PARTYING. I HEAR HOWEVER JANE AND ROYLAND WERE ABLE TO FILL IN FOR US. love you mom hope you got all the temple young womens stuff figure out.