Thursday, August 27, 2009

Love is in the Details

This is the divine work we mothers do, perhaps for a time, it is our vocation--taking care of the invisible. I must pay attention to my own physical and spiritual health, to the inner workings of my marriage, to the emotions security of my children, to our need for fun and play, to the quality of our relationships. When I keep my balance, I feel empowered, for I am guided then not by fear or pressure, but by the small quiet voice within that whispers "Enough".


Kelly said...

Mother... you need to write a book. You amaze me! This spoke to me... I feel way off balance. I know right where I need to focus but its not always that easy. I loved every word! I need to add this to my post for a friend of mine who is struggling..! It is MAGICAL!
I love that photo of Kim and Jayne. BEAUTIFUL!!!

Kim said...

You have always done it all so well. You have taught me by your example and many times a day I think of you and remember how you did it... and it gives me strength. I love you! And I do think that is a great picture if I do say so myself. Wish she was still that cuddly!

JaMie HeApS said...

that is something i need to read daily, it is deff. easy to lose track of enough is... its amazing how when it dose slow down around here and were all together i can "feell" it, and it seems to earase all the hard hectic things that had happend. you were amazing at it, and you still have the touch i see it when you read and talk soft and slow to my boys, or do tub time with them. i love you.

and kim the pic... top notch

JaMie HeApS said...
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