Hello cute family. What
excitement I feel
in the air as we get ready for the
Thompsons to come. We are holding our breath. I have been reading many books about children who fall away from the church and Satin gains control of their lives. Our Family has to fight this threat head on and not allow Satin to have any part of our lives. I am longing for a family
meeting. I feel like we have missed out the last few years at
Lagona. I went home early because Grandpa died, then Matt was in the hospital, and then dang it this year we had to
watch Lagona from afar as the Heaps were the only ones to make it there. But I am
hoping we can have a family meeting this next Sunday. Jamie if you are not here we will have to call you and have you listen in. I am feeling great strength as I watch our
amazing kids grow up.
McKinnley has talked to me on the phone and shared thoughts
from a
fireside and her testimony. Max is so strong, Tyler shook the hands of an apostle in Midway this week and the list goes on. . . What I would like to do, is have everyone pick one of their favorite scriptures from The Book of Mormon, and write one sentence about what is means to them. You could put it on my comments on my blog. Then I will type them up and give everyone a copy at our meeting. This way, each of us should have 20 or more new favorite Book of Mormon scriptures. We could write in our scriptures in the margins this is Kades scripture for 2009. Kade likes this one because it reminds him of the day he was baptised. Can you imagine how fun it would be through the years to keep sharing one scripture a year. Before you know it we would have a whole book of favorites because our cousins have told us why they like a certain scripture. McKinnley, Emilee, Jenny, and Madison could you pick a scripture and share it with us at our meeting? Tyler would you tell us about shaking the hand of a apostle . Don't worry about bringing your scriptures because I have plenty. If anyone has a good story about learning from the Book of Mormon please share it. Kelly, McKinnley and Madison went to a fireside where the Young Woman General President talked. They called me and shared thoughts about keeping our youth away from Satins traps. She had three suggestions: 1. Say your prayers each day. 2. Read your scriptures 5 minutes a day. 3. Smile. Just simple steps that we can do to keep the Holy Ghost as our companion each day. There is great strength in the Clark name! Lets join forces to help each other as our youth are getting ready to enter the teenage years. I can't wait to hug you all!!!! I love-a-love-a-love you. P. S. You are going to love Grandpa's new favorite scripture!

It seems like these pictures were taken just a minute ago, and yet imagine how much they have changed. Life moves so fast!

We are going to be attending to these boys missionary farewells before we know it. I am predicting Alaska, Africa, and Amsterdam. World get ready.