Monday, February 9, 2009


What a gift it is to be able to be your home. I loved the whole adventure. The Clark's pretty well took care of themselves. Jenny and Katy are true blue mothers. So kind and helpful. Nicole your home is so organized. Tyler is so helpful in every way. When I couldn't figure something out he always could. Like putting the stove back together after cleaning it. Jenny and Tyler both score in the 90 percentile in their Iowa Basic Testing. . . Amazing! Little Shawn goes to bed like a breeze, all you have to do is put him on his stomach in his crib and tuck the blue soft blanket around him like a burrito. He is gone. . unbelievable. . . where was that burrito trick when I was trying to get Bret to sleep? Bret and Nicole you are doing a great job raising lovable kids. I am sure it has something to do with good genes. I love you all!


Kelly said...

I agree... those Clark kids are Amazing! Somthing Special about each one ot them! They are all so helpful and loving to each other. I wonder if they ever do anything Naughty?... I thought for sure Bret would get a little Hell-an (sp) but instead he has all Angels! Bret and Nick need to spill the beans on the "Tricks" on how to raise such sweet kids!
I LOVE You Clark Kiddos!
What a fun week... They were in Heaven having you all week, PARTY! Nothing better than Grandma Time!
I'm ready for a little myself! 2 weeks and counting! Can't wait! xoxox

JaMie HeApS said...

im going to have to try the borrito trick on grady and see if it works!! love you clark kidos