Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tom's Birthday

Today is Grandpa Tom's Birthday! There is nothing in the world that he likes more that to have one of his grandchildren on his lap. This is Abbie last Saturday. She was getting ready to go to a Birthday Party. Don't they both look cute! I want to tell you what Grandpa will do today. When he wakes up he gets in the shower so he can get his body warmed up, so it will move. His first thoughts are about his horses. He feeds 17 horses in three different pastures. He checks to see if each horses is there and if they have any hurts where they might have got kicked. He is always checking to see which horses look pregnant.

He is careful not to waste hay, but he knows the horses need extra food when the weather is cold. He tries to rub the horses often so they will get used to him and he will be able to get them in a trailer if they get hurt or sick.
These are three of his favorite horses, Holly, Ebony, Jay Low. If it snowed during the night Grandpa first has to plow the roads and trails so he can get his 4 wheeler from the hay stacks to the pastures.

Look at his tracks in the snow. He then feeds the fish. He has a goose in the pond that can't fly, so he feeds her cracked corn. He feeds his quail bird seed. He likes to fix Sam somethings warm after they have finished. How did Grandpa come to love all these animals that eat so much and then poop so much? I don't know. I think it is Bret's fault for getting the first horse from Aunt Diane's Ranch, after working there one summer. Grandpa has nine new babies coming this spring. He will need a little help on new names so everyone start thinking. He would love to have Max, Kade, Tyler, Dax, and Jace help him in the summers do the hay and change the water. You could become the Double Creek Quarter Horse Ranglers. The girls might want to work on becoming Rodeo Queens. Jamie is going to take up Barrell Racing. Can't wait to watch all the action! We all love Grandpa! Especially me!!!! Happy Birthday Dear Thomas! Thank you for dinner kids!


JaMie HeApS said...

oh dad that sounds like quite the morning!!!! i think i would take the hot shower then head right to the kitchen for something warm to eat myself. i think why dad loves taking care of all these animals so much is he has always loved taking care of some one, the need and depend on him everyday. i love you so much dad you one in a million-cauzillion. how we lucked our to get you i'll never know. i loved being with you guys last night and hope you have one heck of a day.

ps you one year closer to an old person, you better start likeing them, cuz soon you'll be there.

Kim said...

If you have a boy horse in the spring I would like to name one of them Tom. I love how Grandpa lets us sleep over. I love that He lets us go swimming in the winter. I love to feed the horses with you. I love it when Grandpa makes french fries and corn dogs. I think Grandpa is so funny! I like to sit on Grandpa's lap and watch Goonies. Happy Birthday Grandpa. I love you!
Love, Abbie

Kim said...

Happy Birthday Dad! I love you too! It was fun to all go to dinner last night. I have been lucky to have you for a dad just as those animals are lucky to have you to take care of them each day. I have always known that if I ever needed anything you would be there. I hope you have fun at your movie today! Remember 59 is NOT old! There is so much life still to live so let's get partying! I love you!

Kelly said...

Happy Birthday! What a fun night you had with the family ar Rib City! Wish I could have been around and joned in on the fun and worked in a Giant Birthday Hug!
Walsburg is so Magical.. a piece of heaven! I love to see you in action caring for those animals. I know that is what Heanven is like. I just hope we have 5 house in a circle with all of us living right close to you and Mom! PARTY!
Thank you for always looking out for and taking care of me and my family! My Kids are so Crazy about you! We have this little toy that looks kinda like you with a man in a apron. Millie has carried it around for weeks and shows and tell everyone about "Obampa" We are so BLESSED to have you... We love you and hope this year brings MUCH HAPPINESS and LAUGHTER and LOVE! And of course another trip or two down to see us!
xoxoxxo Love the Thompsons