Thursday, January 1, 2009


Happy Birthday sweet "Cheech"! You were such a darlying baby. We all gathered aroung you and loved you.
I loved your freckles. You were so excited about getting your ears pierced so you could be just like Kim and Kelly. Now you are the jewerly queen and help deck everyone else out.

In High School you taught us all how to never give up. You were a fighter and you always seemed to find the strength to finish a job. We all loved coming to your games. Yesterday you said something that I loved. You said that we all have to take turns helping each other. . . what goes around comes around. You are the perfect mom for your boys because you have the energy.

I have always thought this was the most romanatic picture! I love your hair and Matt's arm around you. The blue and the waves help out too. It is perfect !


Kelly said...

Those Kissing Photos always make Mom Hot and Sweaty! I LOVE It!
What a Great Post Mom! I loved all the photos. You are Amazing! Happy News years! Hope you had a good one, I got your message but it was late. I'll check in later!

JaMie HeApS said...

mom thanks for the kind words, seeing me in that b-ball pic makes me have a hankering to get a game going, are you up? me you vrs kim and cole sunday, have dad work on moving the snow. i love both you and dad i always had the best supports in anything i did i think that makes all the diffrence. lunch was so fun hope you worked out the monday thing. love you

Kim said...

Aren't we lucky we to have her in our family! Loved the pictures of her when she was young. I lucked out that we cancelled Dinner today. I'm not sure I am up to a game against her. Why does she always pick you on her team? Maybe by Spring I will be ready.