Sunday, May 24, 2009


It is 2:00 in the morning and I can't sleep. Kelly's family beach pictures have my brain spinning. As a parent the one thing you hope for your children is that they will be loved and feel needed in life. I can't express the warmth I have felt this past week as the prayers have been flying to heaven. Thank you each for your way of loving. I feel some heavenly help coming our way. Sweet Dreams


Kim said...

You are the ultimate example of love!! You have been the best mom to all of us and we know that you would do anything for each of us. The Millers are sending our positive thoughts and prayers too!!!!

JaMie HeApS said...

were going to pull through this all.... after all its what we were here to do learn through our trials and love each other through them all. i dito kim you are the best mom in the world, and have always known you would do anything adn everything for us.

Kelly said...

What a blessing to belong to such an Amazing Family! We have had such Perfect exsamples to follow... You, Mom and Dad! We will someday look back on these hard times and smile and think WE DID IT! We made it though! Just wish it didn't have to hurt so much for so long! With all our prayers we are bound to beat this trial here soon! LOVE you all! Wish I was closer to give you all a Giant Hug!