Next week I get to tend the Clark Children! Hopefully I will get to see more of the big guy in the middle. Life somehow never erases those tender feelings a mother has for her children, even when they are grown and gone. I so love the little ones too. Shawn I am ready to play. Grady do you think you would come over and play? Grandchildren stir up emotions in a different way, an easy smiling way. There is a full blown blizzard in progress outside my window. I am thinking of the Millers on their Rhinos in Moab, hope they don't have to make a snow cave and sleep in it tonight. But I always have supreme faith in Jason, he can handle anything. Kelly speaks in Young Women on Sunday, she will do great. Wish we could all have a kick ball game in Jamie's park tonight. Let's imagine. Love you all!
I painted this picture 5 years ago for an assignment while we were working on the Ocher Mt. Temple. I have tender memories of the Garden Tomb, and the blessing of being there with my girls. Someday we are going to return with our husbands. We will have to trick Jamie and tell her we are going to Disneyland. I just bought the new book God So Loved The World by Eric Huntsman. I work with him in the temple and his mother. They are incredible. I can't wait to study. I love my family this almost Easter night. I am remembering all the years, the jelly beans, the colored fingers, the purple grass all over and the note telling the Easter Bunny to please leave Kim's Easter Basket out in the family room and not come into her room. What joy comes from spending time with those you love. All of you cute families love up on each other. XOXO Mom
It is April and it is REALLY still snowing. Kelly and Heath are REALLY snow mobiling this weekend, and they are REALLY coming to Wallsburg today! Such fun I can hardly stand it. The sheets are washed, the table set, the food ready, and now all we need is Kelly and Heath! Sweet Millie how we wish you were here too, along with McKinnley, Madison, Maizie and Kade!
But for today we will take Mr. and Mrs. Thompson. Lets party. . REALLY!