I love this
cozy swing that Dad made for us. I
have just been sitting on it thinking about how much I love my family. Katy and Shawn have spent a few nights with us. We cleaned out the Messing Tree, clocked quite a few hours on the four wheeler, and made pink salt dough. They molded round little bums and laughed and laughed, it must be an inside joke. It is so interesting to see how much these children are like their parents. Shawn says the funnest things that are so Bret. Katy was constantly wanting to feed the horses, Trigger being her favorite. Both of them got a longing look in their eyes when they talked to Nicole on the phone.Then we went to Kim's Sacrament Program. Oh how proud we were. Lucy
grinned and started out the program with style, she sang every word. Abbie was gorgeous is her baptism dress, Max was handsome and serious. Each of them gave their speaking part perfectly. The best part was watching Kim smile from ear to ear through the whole program. These children know they are loved. Can't believe Emilee wasn't up there too. She is now a beautiful teenager. We were late and sat on the back row through the sacrament, little Jayne has so much charisma, she was bare foot, dressed in pick, and such a flirt. She kept teasing us by coming part way to us and then turning around and running back to her safety net, her mom. What an amazing family the Millers are. Bret is such a blessing to our family right now. There is no way for me to express the
gratitude I feel for him. Prayers are often answered by members of a family,
whether on this side of the
veil or the other. I love Matt. How I wish life was not so hard for him. I wish I knew better how to be his mother. I wish I could just cuddle him up on the front porch swing and hold him like I could when he was a little boy. I know he is sick and sad tonight and I feel that way too. I long for the Heaps, I love their pictures on Jamie's action filled blog. They are growing up way too fast.
Dax just recited his Primary talk that he gave today. . . so official. He was so proud and so was Jamie. Oh Happy Day In The Morning, Jamie just said they are coming for Thanksgiving!!!! She has some new games for us to play. These September days are so beautiful, I must not wish for Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Thompsons, how I wish I was babysitting for you this week. I want to see how everyone gets ready for school. What they had for lunch and what their dreams are. I hope Kelly and Heath are having a wonderful trip. . . I wonder if they know how lucky they are to get away alone to exciting places so often? I guess what I want to say after all this rambling is that I am so honored to belong to you. You are parenting me and Dad too. We watch you all and smile. Thank you for all the car pooling, and homework and scouts and sports; thank you for always being there and never giving up; thank you for cleaning up the throw up and the leaky diapers: thank you for reading scriptures at breakfast and praying together. Someday your kids will thank you, but for now I will be their voice and say THANK YOU! I LOVE YOU!